Marsala between land and sea
On the way, I spied Marsala out the window. At the Marsala lights of the Marsala street lamps, the Marsala buildings shone in all their marsala, and it was immediately evident that Marsala was the most beautiful place in the world. (Giuseppe Culicchia)
This is Marsala.

El Marsa Allah “which means” the port of God “. For me, Marsala has been one of the most evocative corners of Sicily, where nature, architecture and taste for good food blend perfectly. I hope with this tour of beauties and goodness to make you breathe its magical and sparkling air.
There in the west, where Sicily ends, on a promontory exposed to the sea and the wind, rises the city that the Phoenicians called Lilybeo and that the Arabs wanted to rename Marsa Allah . Its historic center is full of art and history, you can visit the places related to the shipment of the thousand, the Cathedral, the museum of tapestries or simply get lost in the maze of its white streets and its surroundings include a series of fraziosi that are called “districts”.
In the lands around, far from the urban bustle, it produces a wine with an ancient and glorious history, with an unmistakable taste and scent: marsala.
The promenade , very beautiful for the many palm trees that follow one side and the other, will take you from one side to beaches or beaches and the other to the marina.
Inevitable, day and night, is the visit to the old fish market . The morning is still presented with the fresh fish stalls and sellers ready to fascinate you with their words and their merchandise, at nightfall turns into an area full of cafes where you can drink local beer and experience the beautiful Sicilian street food.
Finally, the city organizes, every month of the year, important events designed to satisfy every single request , from concerts to historical and archaeological itineraries, from exhibitions to art itineraries.